Saturday, September 15

The Search for Islamic Order: Yesterday and Today

My FYE is really challenging, but I love it and I really like my professor. Yesterday we had class at his (beautiful) house. It's so relaxing, using a nice bathroom.
Good news: CC is providing all of the accommodations that I requested. Yay! They're asking for a longer letter from Dr. Leidel, though, Mom. Dad and Mom: thanks for the mouse, notes, etc.
Last night I went salsa dancing with Sammi and her friend José and basically our whole wing* and RA Tim. Then we had a midnight hall picnic. Today we're lofting my bed.

*Here are my friends in West/Southwest wing of Slocum (3rd floor): Keita, Luke, Soccer Jeff, Short Joel, and Blond Dan; FYE-Lauren, Louisa, Sammi, Eliza, and Christy. Louisa and Eliza were on my Priddy trip. I really like Eliza, we're kinda similar and she's tops.


Michelle Rafter said...

Kate: Thanks for the update.

Are you asking me for a longer letter from Dr. Liedel? It might be better for you to communicate with him yourself. The clinic Web site is: Let me know how you want to handle that.

BTW, I will bring your next RX with me - are you taking it regularly?

What's happening with XC? Are you still running? On the team?

I'll be there next Friday - what do you want me to bring for you? What do you want to do while I'm there?

Jesuit lost to Lake Oswego last night, 21-0. It's the first loss in 2 years, and the first shut out since 1990. We didn't go. The freshman played on Thursday and tied 21-21. In the frosh game, LO lined up for a field goal with 3 seconds remaining, and Luke deflected the ball to keep them from scoring!


Michelle Rafter said...


I started a blog for when I go back to work in October. It's here:

It's kind of lame. I don't think I'm going to keep hosting it on because I can't have a Web site too. There's another service called TypePad that more writers use & I'll probably switch to it, though it costs $.

I also discovered LinkedIn, which is a kind of Facebook for businesspeople - you create a profile and have connections (like "friends" on MySpace or Facebook) who link to you. It's amazing how many of my former reporter colleagues, college friends, sources, NCL mom friends, etc., are on it already.


Kate said...

I told you Facebook was for young student people.

Jesuit lost by WHAT?! I just started my whole hall yelling that. But good job Luke. I'm sure he's really getting noticed.

Yeah, I'm still on the team. I've just been aquajogging and biking the past 2 weeks. The knee tendinitis should clear up in a few days now, and I'll be good to run in the home meet.

When you're here:
bring winter clothes
visit Eric, Patrick, and Brendan
go out for steak or massage